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Poison Oak Road 2017 Realignment Project

In Hydrology & Storm Water Sanitary Sewer Systems Transportation Water Systems

Due to recent residential growth and expansion, into West Temple, a new major arterial is required to meet the growing transportation needs. The Poison Oak Road Realignment consists of the realignment, widening, and reconstruction of an existing county road located in Temple, Texas. This project includes the design of 8,800 linear feet of a new four lane 53’ wide arterial roadway with turn lanes, new sanitary sewer main & new water main extensions, a detailed Hog Pen Creek100 year flood plain & drainage basin analysis. Geotechnical, Archeology, and Environmental studies were performed along with a Traffic Impact Analysis and Traffic Signalization Design.

Primary Tasks:

  • Initial Site investigation
  • Preliminary alignment & cost estimate(s)
  • Identification of existing right-of-way & property lines
  • Easement & right-of-way acquisition services
  • Phasing determination
  • Regional Drainage & Hog Pen Creek Floodplain Analysis
  • Archeological services
  • Endangered Species determination
  • Phase I ESA’s
  • Design topography surveys
  • Final Design
  • Provide construction drawings
  • City of Temple coordination
  • TxDOT coordination
  • Oncor & Brazos Electric coordination
  • Coordination with BISD
  • Traffic impact analysis
  • Traffic signal design
  • Speed Limit determination