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2010 Steeplechase Lift Station Reconstruction

In Sanitary Sewer Systems

This project consisted of providing a new sanitary sewer lift station replacement within the Steeplechase subdivision located in Temple, TX. The project provided a new 28’ deep 8’ diameter sanitary sewer wet well, new submersible wastewater solids handling pumps, new 4” PVC force main, and a new 8” PVC gravity main replacement to replace an existing aging and highly undersized lift station. The design and construction of the new improvements included phasing measures to maintain uninterrupted sanitary sewer service flows from the existing lift station until the new lift station could be constructed and brought on-line . The new lift station was constructed adjacent to the existing facility within extremely limited space. Once the new system was completed the existing lift station was demolished and removed.

Primary Tasks:

  • Providing the conceptual plan
  • Estimating project costs
  • Creating design and topography surveys
  • Providing detailed construction plans and specifications
  • Providing bidding and construction administration assistance
  • Performing on-site inspection services
  • Meeting the time frames and budget established by the City of Temple.